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3D rendering services FAQ

Find answers to the most common questions about Photorealistic 3D Rendering services 

What is 3D, 3D modeling, 3D rendering?


Feel free to find easy-reading definitions of terms 3D, 3D Modelling, 3D Rendering, and other most used 3D Computer Graphics terms in the 3D Computer Graphics Glossary.



What is a 3D rendering service?


A 3D rendering service is a commercial service of providing 3D renderings for needs e.g. in architecture, design, engineering, etc.



Why I should use Businessrender? What are the benefits of your 3D visualization team?


Please check out the 14 benefits you can get from our 3D Rendering Services.



What are the quality standards of 3D renderings?


3D visualizations we can deliver you will have the same quality standards as work samples provided in 3D Rendering Portfolio.  However, you can inform us about your individual requirements, which we will accomplish if have technical and financial abilities, and also time limits needed.   


How much cost 3d rendering?


Please check out the Pricing Guide for 3D Rendering Services.



How long takes 3d rendering? 


Since every project is unique, the time needed for making 3D renderings might differ. Feel free to contact us and send your project information so that we informed you about delivery time.



Only clients from specific geographic areas can use your 3d rendering services?


We work remotely and provide our services all over the World. So you can request 3D architectural rendering whether you live in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, European Union, Australia, New Zealand, or in any other country.



You and I are located in different locations and even in different countries. Can I be sure that you will complete a job accordingly and in time?


Find out why you can work safely with our 3d artist team.


How can I pay you?


Since we can work with you by using the Guru platform, you should be the registered user and fill out your balance.

To fill out your balance can use the following payment methods: U.S. Bank Account (eCheck), PayPal, or Credit Card.  

What information should be provided to get 3D Renderings?


1. Please send us drawings or sketches of the object you need to get visualizations for. Whether it is a building, an interior, a product, or something else.  For 3D exterior-, interior- and floor plan renderings please provide site- or floor plans, elevations, sections  (if they needed to be taken into account).


2. If you need to request the 3D Interior or 3D Floor Plan Rendering Service and need to reflect furniture, lighting, or plumbing fixtures, please provide us your specs or other information about them.


3. Information about materials (specs or something else).


4. You also can send us 3D models or CAD files if it's possible. 


5. Found great 3D models on Turbosquid, 3DSky, or on another 3D stock platform? Want to use them? Feel free to send us links.


6. Other information you think is important for making 3D renderings. 


7. Your instructions.



In which format should I provide drawings or sketches?


You can provide drawings in .pdf, .dwg, .dxf, .ai or raster formats (such as .jpg, .bmp, .tiff, .tga). Sketches can be provided in .pdf or in raster formats too.   



Which format of 3D CAD files you can use?

Please check out using 3D or 3D Cad files



Can you do revisions?


Usually, we can do up to 10 free minor revisions for each job, if you will ask for them within 30 working days after providing the first results.

Obviously,  we fix issues for free if they appeared due to our mistakes.


All other revisions we can do as a new paid job.



Can you do revisions for us after several months or even years after completing a project?


We can do revisions as long as we providing 3D rendering services.  We keep all of the work files on our data storage and have a copy on the cloud.  This way allows being sure that we don't lose information.  However, negotiation terms might be changed especially if you need to do revisions after a long time.



What software do you use for 3d renderings?


Currently, we use 3D Studio Max, V-Ray, and Blackmagic Fusion (formerly known as Eyeon Fusion).



What do you do to better understand the needs of your clients?


The traditional scenario is the following:


After getting your message with a 3d rendering job description:


  • We'll carefully review drawings, sketches, descriptions, and other information you'll send us.


  • If at the beginning and during work we will see that we haven't enough information to complete your task, we will politely ask you questions to provide additional information.


  • If we will see that it's possible to do something better, we will send you our proposals regarding it. 


Before starting a job we will send you a message about how we understood your task:


  • You can correct us if you see we understood something wrong. 


  • If you will see that we understood you correctly, you will be sure that we will do your task accordingly. 


  • At a revision stage, you can correct us if we did something wrong, or make changes in 3d renderings, which according to your own discretion, will make your proposal better.


However, this scenario can differ. It depends on your specific problems and situation. 


Our clients, who are architects, designers, product sellers, real estate professionals, and top-managers of companies said that they chose our visualization company and had repeat contracts with us  because they really liked:


  • How we understand their messages.


  • Our personalism.


You can see it by looking at the testimonials.



Have other questions?


Feel free to contact us and ask directly.


Please check out our 3D Rendering Services.

CAD Files
Information should be provided
Quality standards
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