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3D Renderings for the community year prizes

Look at the 3D Rendered representation of the online community award prizes of the year

We provide the contests in online groups called CG to Solve Problems Community and 3D Rendering of Product Images

And we award the best CG artists and contributors by giving them the virtual prizes of the month


Also, in the beginning of every year, we choose the best CG artists and contributors of a previous year and award them with the virtual prizes of the year. 


These prizes represented as 3d Renderings with the text added. You can see them below. 

3D Rendering for the Year Prize for CG to Solve Problems Group

3D Rendering for the year prize for CG to Solve Problems Community 

Year Prize for 3D Rendering of Product I

3D Rendering for the year prize for the community 3D Rendering of Product Images

Feel free to check out our other works in the 3D Product Rendering Portfolio 

If you have any question:

If you're interested in getting Product 3D renderings:


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