3D Rendering for the Public Aquarium exterior
Enjoy the personal 3D Rendering project of the Public Aquarium Exterior and its environment
The fact the about 71 percent of the Earth is water-covered inspired me, 3D Artist Yevhen Zakharov to make the personal project Visualization of the Public Aquarium. And share it with you.
Here are 3D Renderings of the Public Aquarium exterior and its environment.
Important note: since these visualizations were done as a personal project, the building, and landscape were not designed by professional architects and landscape designers. The author is a professional in the 3D computer graphics field, not a certified architect. Therefore design mistakes in the images rendered are possible.
Generally, 3D Rendered areal views needed to show how a building looks in an environment. Also along with other buildings, roads, pavements, trees, and other exterior objects. I did such views and added the drones so that add some dynamics and make the views more interesting.

I did 3D models of the drones especially for this project and shared the closeup renders of them. Feel free to look at the drone visualizations.
To show the front of the building of the public aquarium I added the view that you can see below.

The image below shows the building and the adjacent territory from the human's point of view.

To make these 3D Renderings faster I used:
1. Plugins and scripts. E.g for making the forest and other planted areas I used the Forest Pack Plugin of Itoo Software.
2. Stock 3D models. E.g:
Some of the 3D Models of the street objects I downloaded on the 3DSky Platform. This includes the Good Free 3D Model of Buildings for Exterior Environment.
The people 3D models I downloaded from 3DSky, Turbosquid, and 3D People platforms.
Thanks to all of the creators for sharing their 3d models.
I really hope you enjoyed it!
What's inside of the Public Aquarium Building?
The marine life recreated in the interior of the Public Aquarium. If you want to look at it please check out the interior 3D renderings.
Feel free to check out our other works in the 3D Exterior Rendering Portfolio.
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Please check out our 3D Exterior Rendering service.
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